The History of Our Company

How We Started

PANPUNYA  is founded and established by brainstorming, studies, researches of experts and intelligence (PAN-SATIPUNYA) of a woman named “PANTICHA” After several years of my dedication to my work, I had to sacrifice family time to what I was doing, and no matter I liked my project or not, I realized that mostly it benefited only my loved ones but not the society.

After gaining more experiences, I commit to my family and people, especially small-scale growers and farmers scouring the country who need help, while I believe this is invaluable. Now I have an honest intention to produce organic products that would be highly beneficial to customers while meeting at a reasonable price.

I believe this is a good opportunity to pass on my experience to those growers and farmers to have a better living. PANPUNYA supports these people to help share their passion for the organic movement and sustainable living.

Only Organic

We can create the world we want with the choices we make—and we choose organic. We believe everyone has the right to clean, healthy and nutritious food. We feel responsible for educating people on why organic is better for them and better for the planet.

Always Fair Trade

We’re committed to understanding where our ingredients come from – the land, the people, the processes. We source from the best small–scale growers and farmers in Thailand, scouring the country who share our passion for the organic movement.

A Way to Wellbeing

We believe organic food not only delivers more and higher-quality nutrients than conventional produce but that it can heal many of life’s modem ailments. PANPUNYA products are formulated personally by our founder with the utmost care and love to maximize health benefits.

PANPUNYA Philosophy

The greatest blessing for us is to do what we love and believe – which naturally brings the best results

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